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Live Free Life and Fitness Weight-Loss Planner

If you would’ve asked me in my carefree, fly-by-the-seat-of-my-pants 20’s what I would be doing a decade later, I NEVER would have said, “I’ll be designing a life, fitness, and weight-loss planner!” The irony that I, a non-planner, am releasing a planning and tracking system to help others, is not lost on me… or my friends. We consistently joke and laugh about where life has taken me.

For the record, I have NEVER kept up with a formal planner. I don’t even keep a calendar! Organized isn’t a word people associate with me. I habitually forget to write down appointments, frequently stand people up, or double book engagements. However, I’ve miraculously gotten some of  my act together in the last few years! Things have massively improved here! Now I have created something that I know will help you get your act together, too.

You might be wondering how I know enough about planners to design one.

Good question! I decided if I wanted to create something that people would actually need and use, I would need to recruit professionals. Not only did I hire a graphic designer, but I brought my best friend on board. She’s an organizing genius, and with her expertise, together we managed to maximize the planner’s space, efficiency, and ease of use.(if you’ll recall, she did this to my homeschool room).

My goal was to mastermind a planner that I would be excited to open and complete every day and one that my organizational wizard best friend would WANT to use. Not to toot my horn here, but I nailed it. So, in my mind, this planner is already a raging success, and it hasn’t even been released for purchase yet!

A note about the first planner

My first weight loss planner, “Mom’s Challenge,” was only available as a printable. For some, having to print something so large is a hassle, and I get it. For ease of use, I’m now offering and selling a PRINTED planner that will ship directly to your home when you purchase.

This planner isn’t justMom’s Challenge” in a printed form. It is a completely different product altogether. I’m happy to say I’ve taken all the best parts of “Mom’s Challenge” and combined it with the practicality of a weekly planner. I have enhanced it in all the right places.

One of the best things about the “Live Free” planner is that there is ample space for planning everyday life, food, AND fitness (not just one or the other). This will assist you in putting ALL the pieces of the weight loss puzzle and your life together! 

Designing this weight loss planner

I began working with a graphic designer for this new product in early December knowing full well it wouldn’t roll out until mid-February. While that means I totally missed the New Year’s “rush” of weight loss and fitness resolutions, that was fine by me! I designed this planner for people who have GIVEN UP on their crazy crash diets and unrealistic resolutions. It’s perfect that it isn’t available until after the new year.

Mid-February is the new January 1st, don’t cha know?

February is the time to reach out to those of you looking for a better way to reach your weight loss goals. If you are ready to take realistic, sustainable, and dare I say, enjoyable baby steps towards lasting, lifelong change and real results, the “Live Free Planner” is for you. 

My wonderful graphic designer and I have gone back and forth for the past 2 months, finalizing all the details. I’ve spent hours upon hours perfecting a planner that would help you organize every aspect of your personal life plus your health and fitness goals, all in one place. I truly felt there was a need for a product like this which is how I came to dream it up in the first place!

I’m happy to report that I. Have. Done. It! This planner is something that even I – the opposite of a “planner” – am excited to use. I know it’ll help me stay on track as I pour my heart and soul into losing another 10-15 pounds. 

The Name

**This post contains Amazon affiliate links and other affiliate links. If you purchase through my link, I will receive a small percentage of compensation at no additional cost to you.

I’ve named this planner, Live Free: Life and Fitness Planner because, prior to reading Eliza Kingsford’s book, I was anything but free with food. I bounced around from diet to diet and lived my life with a plethora of self-imposed food rules. I was living in my own little food prison: miserable, not losing weight, and missing out on life.

Then I read her book and everything changed. Now, I am free to eat whatever I want while realizing true, lasting weight loss. You can read here about how I achieved food freedom through calorie counting.

Along with food freedom, I also have scale freedom

I’ve achieved scale freedom by using the scale like it’s a tool to assist in gathering information and nothing else. I’m free, baby, and it’s the only way to be. I want you to use this method to find your own freedom, come live free with me.

The front cover simply states Live Free, because I don’t think a single person would be embarrassed by that in public. I didn’t want everyone feeling like they were announcing to the world that they are trying to lose weight this year anytime they took their planner out. I want this planner to be going with you everywhere, so some discretion was given to the cover design. At 9”x7”, it slips easily into your purse, briefcase, or diaper bag.

The Timeframe

This is a 3-month planner (as opposed to the original 4-week “Mom’s Challenge“). I’ve made it 3 months for a number or reasons:

It’s the perfect size

A 3-month timespan is perfect to maximize space for notes and reflection while not resulting in a heavy, bulky notebook. Had I created a year-long planner with the same awesome amount of writing space and useful features, you’d be carrying around a planner the size of the Bible. 

It’s easy to start over if need be

In the past (and with the best intentions), I’ve bought yearly planners, only to drop off and forget about them a few months later. Then I have to stare at those empty pages when I get back to business a few months later, and I feel like I’ve already failed when I’ve only just begun.

When you are living free there is no way you can fail, got it? If you happen to buy this and only use it here and there, and those missed days BOTHER you, just start over. Buy another 3-month weight loss planner, and start from the beginning. It’s undated so you can start it whenever you need to.

It’s around the same length as fitness programs

The SWEAT app fitness programs that I have followed, as well as various other exercise programs available, are 12 weeks long. By making the planner able to loosely coincide with the timeframe of a fitness program, there’s a little extra incentive to stay the course. SWEAT programs are 12 weeks long, but we all know sometimes we have to take a week off in that 12 weeks. By giving you 3 months (15 weeks) you have some grace time to finish that program before starting a new program!

When you get your nutrition sorted alongside an exercise routine, in 3 months you will see MASSIVE progress. The planner will help you outline when the best time is for you to do your workout, and it will give you some extra incentive to get it done. It will gently guide you through both of these crucial aspects of weight loss (nutrition and fitness) – all while avoiding the shame of an over calorie day or a missed workout! (No shame because there are no mistakes or bad days, only learning.)

This is what happens when you get your fitness AND nutrition in line at the same time.

It will get you in a routine

3 months is the perfect time span to get the hang of logging your calories. 4 weeks isn’t long enough to truly get into the logging lifestyle, but a year feels really overwhelming. If you lose slow and steady, you’ll be down 8-15 (maybe even more!) pounds by the end of the 3 month. You might want to take a week off, or buy another one and keep going to hit your big goal! Either-way, 3 months gives you enough time to get the hang of it or the flexibility to go about things your own way.

The Reflection

There are several areas for reflection throughout this planner, and a few of them came straight from Eliza Kingsford (with permission, of course)! At the beginning of the 3 months, you will evaluate and identify your current mindset and values by asking yourself very specific questions provided in the planner. At the end of 3 months, you will reflect back on the entire process and see how your thoughts have changed, and they will change! I’ve seen it happen for myself and several of the members of Mom’s Kids!

There is also space included for guided reflection on a daily basis.

If you find yourself wanting to go deeper in your daily reflections than space allows, there are 16 extra blank pages in the back of the planner just for that. Some days you will have “Ah-ha!” moments and want to thoroughly journal them so you can refer back to them at a later time. 

These reflections are intended to be short and easy to fill out. I did this intentionally because they are vital, and the quicker they are to complete, the more prone you will be to do them. A planner should not feel like a nagging homework assignment, but something you WANT to use. Not only is my planner useful and a breeze to fill out, but it’s also a fun and quick way to learn about your eating patterns and struggles. 

Finally, at the end of each week, you have space to complete a quick reflection about your week. If you need more room to reflect on your week, simply use the “Notes” space that I mentioned above located in the back of the planner. 

The Monthly Calendar

The month-view calendar is large enough to record your daily weigh-ins and calorie totals, and (bonus!) there is plenty of space leftover to organize appointments, events, anniversaries, birthdays, etc. Your schedule and life as a whole needs to be considered when you’re looking over your calorie intake and weight loss trends over time. You’ll start to notice patterns that correlate with your eating habits around social and special events. 

Use this knowledge to either lighten up or tighten up. You might need to change your eating, drinking, or thinking when it comes to weekends, parties, or simply busy days with a full schedule. Be prepared for several revelations when reflecting on your schedule in conjunction with your calorie intake and mindset. This will all unfold before your eyes as you progress through the “Live Free Planner.” 

The calendar also includes guidance and space for calculating average daily calories for the month.

You’ll be able to examine that information alongside how much weight you lost, that month and make any necessary adjustments before moving onto the next month. This scientific approach removes emotion from the equation and allows you to move forward with confidence based on a collection of data, rather than make hasty decisions based on emotions associated with a single discouraging weigh-in. 

The Weekly weight loss Plan

Before kicking off each week, you will think about the days ahead so you can plan around, work past, and troubleshoot issues before they arise. After you do this, you will have space to plan all your meals for the week: breakfast, lunch, dinner, and even snacks. On the page next to the meal plan is a page for a grocery list. (Remember I want you to take this whole planner with you when you shop so you will enter a store and be reminded of your goals. I fully intend to do this)

Daily Plan

The daily layout might look different from what you’re accustomed to from other planners. Monday-Thursday are on a 2-page spread together, and Friday-Sunday are on a spread together when you turn the page. This is intentional because, in the weight loss world, weekdays and weekends are two completely different animals. Monday through Thursday are like 4 cute little chipmunks, frolicking and fluffy, while Friday through Sunday are like 3 big, feral hogs, stinking and rabid. 

I’ve distinctly separated the two as a way to force you to distinguish between them.

You will need to approach them with the unique mindfulness they require. The weekend is the classic diet-ruiner, UNLESS you plan for it. Because of this, the weekend is in a class of its own, and having it on a page of its own gives you the pause and preparation you need to consistently conquer it. 

Each day, there is a nutrition and fitness circle you will fill in if you stick to your plans. There is plenty of space to write in your fitness and meal plan for the day, along with your other daily tasks and to-dos. I will go into more detail about how to use each specific part of the planner in a post that will be written at a later date called “How to Use Your Live Free: Life and Fitness Planner.” 

The Design

The planner is full-color, spiral-bound (metal), and has a soft cover protected with a plastic overlay. Made with quality materials, it will be sturdy enough to endure your everyday travels, and a joy to use week after week.  

The Cost

Your investment for the 3 month planner is only $38.00 (give or take once shipping is thrown in), which averages out to a scant $12.60/month. I challenge you to find another effective weight loss system out there available at such a low price. Because that’s what this is at its core – a weight loss program disguised as a simple, yet extraordinary, planner. 

If you are interested in extra support, camaraderie, and accountability, you always have the option to combine the use of this planner with membership in my weight loss community, Mom’s Kids. Combining Kids with the planner will all but guarantee success. Note: The planner can be used on its own with success if you are a lone wolf kinda person.

At Its core it’s a weight loss system

Mom’s kids is 19.99/month, so combining the planner with a Kids membership, your monthly investment would average out to $32.60/month. I have extensive experience with multiple weight loss programs, and the accountability and support you receive from Kids blows all of them out of the water.

The pricing between all three programs is comparable. Believe me when I tell you calories are way more fun and way less confusing than points. And you get to eat more food using my system than any other weight loss program out there. (To get your calorie range, shoot me an email with proof of purchase and I’ll calculate it!). Plus, with me, you get this super awesome planner. Win-win-win.

Note: If you have previously supported me by purchasing “Mom’s Challenge” (thanks!), you will receive a coupon code. Just email me to get your 25% off discount.

The Shipping

Shipping will take 5-10 days. We live in an Amazon Prime, 2-day shipping fairytale world. As you’ll learn following my planner and program, patience is key. To offset any inconvenience of this slight delay, I am offering “Mom’s Challenge” at a significant discount with your purchase. This way you won’t lose any excitement or momentum waiting for your planner to arrive!

Mom’s Challenge” will introduce you to the planning and reflection mindset while you wait for “Live Free” to arrive. I will calculate your specific and ideal calorie range, tailored to your unique goals. You will also receive a free 2-week trial membership to Kids to keep you accountable while you wait. This 2-week free trial offer is unprecedented (that will be available when I release the planner. The current link is for a 1 week trial). I truly WANT you to succeed and reach your goals.

If you aren’t on my mailing list yet, sign up (sidebar) now to receive a free tracking calendar. This will give you an idea of what the weight loss process looks like, and get you started with the data collection part of the program.

Ready to get started?

Purchase your Live Free Life and Fitness Planner you’ll see for yourself how enjoyable and rewarding weight loss can be!

Follow me on Instagram to learn more about my weight loss journey and everyday life!

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