
BBG: The Perfect Workout for Moms

I’ll admit, when I first stumbled across BBG that fateful sleepless night, it appeared at first glance that this gig was for 20 somethings. There were a lot of before and afters of girls in their twenties. At the time I didn’t care at all who it was geared for, I wanted change, but didn’t want to devote a lot of time to it.

You understand. The problem for us mom’s is always time. It doesn’t matter whether you stay at home or work. I’ve done both, and I was shocked to discover when I quit my job that I still had no extra time. So that night I chose it, even knowing that may other at-home workouts had failed. 

The Problem With Other At-Home Workouts

Look, I have tried at home workouts before. I have done Beachbody, In Shape DVDs, stuff I found on Youtube, even Jillian Michaels! I have started it all and quit it all. Even when the workout was only 20 minutes a day for twenty-eight days, I couldn’t keep up with it. That was the problem. It was everyday. A jump loaded and unenjoyable workout every. single. day. Even 10 minutes everyday is too long for me under those conditions. 

In hindsight, I have realized that part of the problem is that the hardest part of any workout is starting it. Finding the willpower to start it every single day, no matter my mood was basically impossible. Add the excuse of the kids needing my attention, and I’m never self-motivated to do something at home. It’s just too hard. Especially when you start out at 185 lbs and probably the worst shape of your life.

But the longer I looked at those pics the more overweight girls and moms I saw being successful, the more I felt empowered. Why not just try? So I did.

Related Article: BBG – An Overweight Girl’s Review

Now if you want to know what that first workout was like, start here. It was horrible. There is no way around that, but unlike the other ones I didn’t quit. I didn’t quit as an overweight, out of shape, no time, full of excuses mom. In fact, I’m still doing it a YEAR later.

That is why I have concluded that BBG is the perfect workout for moms. 

Here’s Why:

1. It only takes 90 minutes a week…sort of.

It is 28-40 minutes (40 min includes cool-down) each time you do it, and you are only doing it three times a week.This was the initial selling point for me. The app says it takes 28 min/3 times a week and you can do it at home. I didn’t want to live out of shape anymore. SURELY I could find 90 min a week to get this done.

Guess what? I DID! Because I was so desperate for change and I knew that if I couldn’t commit this super small amount of time to change, then there was no hope for me to change. That’s definitely not true, but that is how I felt for me so I kept doing it. A month in I lost 10 lbs and many inches (and this was just doing the Beginner Portion of it!), and from that point there was no quitting.

Related Article: BBG Basics – What You Need to Know

2. The other workout is LISS (low intensity sustained state)

LISS includes activities such as walking, jogging, or riding a bike 2-4 times a week. You had me at low, am I right?! I have been traumatized by the HIIT mentality of every single workout program I have ever tried, and I believed it was the only way to get in shape. It’s not.

BBG tells you to walk 2-4 times a week in addition to the actual workout. That is half of the BBG program, LISS. Do you know of any other workout that gets drastic results with only 3 hard days and then a few walks?! I don’t. That’s another thing that sold me on the progam.

I’ll admit pre-BBG it was hard for me to get out the door to walk with kids because it could be challenging to wrangle the kids and snacks. But once you begin BBG, then you look forward to LISS because it’s so much easier than jump lunges, and you want to get results.

The program says to walk. You aren’t going to phone in the walk when you are working so hard on the other days. So you make it happen! That’s what happened to me. 

3. It can be done at home

This is another big reason I chose BBG. The gym can be such a time suck. You have to work around other people, you get caught up chatting, add in the drive there and back, and before you know it, the 30 min workout has taken you an hour to an hour and a half.

I just didn’t have time for the gym life! And even though I only owned a yoga mat and 5 lbs weight, I felt confident that I had enough equipment to finish the program. By the end, I purchased 10 lb weights, but other than that I was able to come up with creative and free ways to do the entire program at home.

Related Article: Equipment Needed for Bikini Body Guide

The other great thing about working out at home, besides the time saved, is that you are a great example for your kids. My kids love to be with me when I’m working out.

Over the last year, my oldest has started mimicking the moves I do when she “feels like working out.” She will grab the smallest handheld weights and do lunges across the living room. It’s amazing that at this young age, my kids are seeing that a healthy lifestyle includes working out regularly, without excuses.


I could go on an on for days about why BBG has been great for me and my family. BBG has changed my life. I cannot believe how far I have come with fitness, and I have no plans for stopping.

This isn’t a paid post because BBG doesn’t need me to rave about them. They prove themselves over and over to be an awesome workout for women of all ages. I am simply compelled to write this so that if you are on the fence, you get off the fence and do it.

Just do it no matter how out of shape you are and how hard it is. Ignore all your excuses and self-doubt and do your best.

Related Article: How Busy Moms Can Make Exercise a Part of Their Life

Where I am at a year later on this fitness journey…

Now that I have created a fitness habit, I am cracking down on my nutrition. I am not at my goal weight, even after a year of BBG, because you must change your diet to lose weight. But BBG has shown me that I can do anything, I have the power within me to change the worst food habits that have always been a part of my life.

I don’t have to accept that I am an overweight and tired mom. Now I know I can be a fit mom who eats right and leads my family by example. We all have the ability to change the course of our lives, I am changing it and you can too.

As always, know I am rooting for you, I’d love to know if you have committed to making changes in your life. Are you going to try BBG? Comment below, I’d love to hear from you!

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