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Free BBG Equipment Substitutions

Free BBG Equipment Substitutions

I purchased Kayla Itsine’s Bikini Body Guide (BBG) because I could save money on a gym membership and I read it could be done without equipment. A few weeks in, I realized that while BBG says it is an at home workout program, it does require some additional equipment. Since I was trying to save money, it became apparent that I must have an imagination and modify these moves, or I’d spend money that I didn’t have. Below are the modifications I made to BBG 1.0 so that I didn’t have to buy equipment.

Equipment Needed for the Bikini Body Guide (BBG)

Equipment Needed for the Bikini Body Guide (BBG)

I purchased Kayla Itsine’s Bikini Body Guide (BBG) because I could save money on a gym membership and because I read it could be done without equipment. A few weeks in, I realized that while BBG says it is an at home workout program, it does require some additional equipment.

If you are tight on money, I understand. You can still do BBG at home without buying any additional equipment.

How to Workout with an Injury (SWEAT app)

How to Workout with an Injury (SWEAT app)

So much of getting through an injury is your mental game. I used to be a defeatist and be like, “If I can’t go full throttle, what’s the point?” The point is that if you back off and let yourself heal, while keeping yourself as fit as possible, you will return stronger than ever eventually.

If you stop completely or keep going at full speed, you will set yourself back much further than if you had listened to your body.