
Top Ten Gift Ideas for Runners

Top Ten Gift Ideas for Runners

As I have gotten older, I have gotten rid of more and more stuff. I just can’t stand the clutter, and if it doesn’t serve a purpose, to the trash it goes. The problem is that when holiday season rolls around, (not trying to sound ungrateful) people sometimes give me gifts that end up cluttering my house. Then I end up getting rid of it because it’s just one more thing I don’t use.

Free BBG Equipment Substitutions

Free BBG Equipment Substitutions

I purchased Kayla Itsine’s Bikini Body Guide (BBG) because I could save money on a gym membership and I read it could be done without equipment. A few weeks in, I realized that while BBG says it is an at home workout program, it does require some additional equipment. Since I was trying to save money, it became apparent that I must have an imagination and modify these moves, or I’d spend money that I didn’t have. Below are the modifications I made to BBG 1.0 so that I didn’t have to buy equipment.

Equipment Needed for the Bikini Body Guide (BBG)

Equipment Needed for the Bikini Body Guide (BBG)

I purchased Kayla Itsine’s Bikini Body Guide (BBG) because I could save money on a gym membership and because I read it could be done without equipment. A few weeks in, I realized that while BBG says it is an at home workout program, it does require some additional equipment.

If you are tight on money, I understand. You can still do BBG at home without buying any additional equipment.