Splendid Spoon Reset Program

I don’t know about you, but after the holiday I do not feel like cooking. Heck, I don’t even feel like eating! I’m basically burned out on both, immediately following any holiday.

“It’s just ONE day,” they say. Except it’s not, at least for me. It’s an entire week of family and feasting! If you know, you know. And you also understand my aversion to preparing and consuming food at the moment.

It’s not like I intentionally set out to eat my heart out everyday of the holiday week or anything. It’s just the little things start adding up! I helped myself to a giant plate of stuffing and a piece of pumpkin pie…while cooking and baking…the day before Thanksgiving. I baked cookiesand ate nine…2 days before Thanksgiving.

My self control seems to go out the window when holidays are involved. Thanksgiving primarily revolves around food, and I until I was all cooked out last week! When meal prep Saturday came around, I refused to plan a single meal or cook anything at all. Well, I still have to eat, so I that’s a problem. Or is it?

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Enter Splendid Spoon

If I’m not intentional with my nutrition plan after a holiday, my wild eating will continue with leftovers, and quickly turn into a whole month off track. When Splendid Spoon asked me if I’d be interested in giving their Reset program a try, I was all over it. What better way to avoid cooking and get back on track after the holidays!

The beauty of Splendid Spoon is the food comes completely prepared and frozen right to my front door. Skipping meal prep day is a non-issue when the freezer is stocked with delicious, individually packaged, heat-and-eat meals! 

The Reset Program

The intention of Splendid Spoon‘s absolute genius Reset program is to provide your body with the nutrients it needs after indulging – ok, maybe overindulging – on super decadent, “special occasion” foods. Think grandma’s famous pecan pie, Aunt Muriel’s secret recipe stuffing, and oodles of Christmas cookies.

The Reset package includes five light, plantbased soups: The five soups I was sent were Butternut Turmeric, Cauliflower Potato Chowder, Fennel Consommé, Garden Minestrone, and Lentil & Kale. 


The Reset program allows so much menu flexibility. You can supplement your own healthy meals with these low-calorie soups, and enjoy them for days on end, or eat nothing but the soup until it’s gone.

I enjoyed my Splendid Spoon Garden Minestrone soup the day after Thanksgiving, to give my stomach a much needed break! It was just what the doctor ordered after a week of over-the-top eating and rich holiday food.

I still have three of my five Reset soups in the freezer. I’m planning on eating just these soups for a whole day, to give my body a digestive break, as well as an uptick of healthy nutrients. I’m telling you, low calorie eating has never been so easy, or tasted so good. 


I took my prepackaged soup with me to my mom’s house and passed on the caloriedense holiday leftovers. I most definitely would’ve piled my plate high with buttery rolls and creamy casseroles had I not had Splendid Spoon‘s effortless, light, tasty option at my convenience. 

Because of Splendid Spoon’s Reset program, I quickly and easily regained control of my eating habits, immediately after the Thanksgiving holiday. That’s a minimum of three days of in-calorie eating that would not have happened without the Reset program and its delicious, healthy options.

I am so grateful for, and impressed with, this offering from Splendid Spoon that I will be ordering another Reset to get me back on track after Christmas! It would also be perfect to start the New Year with!

So Much More Than Soup!

If not cooking sounds awesome to you, in general, post-holiday or not, Splendid Spoon offers so much more than their Reset soups. Everything from smoothies, to grain bowls, to noodle dishes, and more, is available for delivery right to your door.

Every meal option is plant-based, which I love! I’m not vegan, but here’s a little tip from me to you: cooking up a protein to pair with the veggie-loaded Splendid Spoon dishes is way quicker and easier than prepping and cooking all the vegetables yourself. You’re welcome. We all need some quick-and-easy in our lives these days!

Check out and try the many meal options Splendid Spoon offers, and learn more about the company here!

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