
Confessions of a Serial Dieter: Part III

My friend recently converted me to being a Vegan.

Let me be honest here, despite trying to be Vegan since the beginning, I have had at least a serving of dairy every day. Not to mention the occasional corn dog or hot dog…. which ironically, I haven’t had a corn dog in years and a hot dog in months. I have no idea how I keep eating them as a struggling Vegan, but it’s cracking me up.

Perhaps Veganish would be the proper term to describe me.

The conversion happened 2 weeks ago. We were 26 minutes into the documentary “Forks Over Knives” when I looked over to my best friend and simply stated, “Welp, I’m a Vegan.”

To be honest, despite all my failings, I am eating easily 10 times less meat and dairy than I ever have in my life. I automatically felt better and slept better, maybe it’s the placebo effect, either way, I’ll take it.

I know I’ve had my shortcomings, but I have my convictions, I was doing so good…until church camp. It started off so well. I said no to sausage at breakfast on Monday, explaining with an air of superiority that I was now a Vegan.

Then activities happened, kids were screaming, we were walking this way and that way, and come lunch I WAS STARVING.

The lunch was tacos, my plan was to just eat beans. Then I realized they were scooping the beans onto the plates, and it was a WWII bread line kinda portion. I thought, I better eat the beef or I’ll STARVE!

And eat the beef I did. I ate 3 giant soft tacos filled with beef and beans. Turns out that was the same amount of tacos all the male sponsors were groaning about later saying they were stuffed. These men. If I were a man, I’d have easily put down 5 tacos and felt no shame… I digress…

The beef was just the beginning of the downward spiral away from being a vegan. I then slapped on nacho cheese AND shredded cheese. I squirted on my own sour cream with complete abandon, laughing the entire time. I’d be lying if I said it was anything other than the best meal of my entire Vegan journey… because it wasn’t Vegan at all.

So the day continued, and somehow in the time between the three tacos, which was 12 pm, and snack time at 9 pm here is what I managed to consume: 2 cans of soda, 2 candy bars, 2 servings of an Oreo dessert, 3 cookies, 3 chicken strips, 2 servings of mac and cheese, and a giant ranch salad. If I were to tally up the entire day it would also include a stack of pancakes and the now infamous 3 tacos.

It was like instead of being the adult sponsor, I was in need of an adult sponsor. I got majorly sick. My body retaliated in all the ways you are thinking of, and reeling it in has seemed next to impossible. It’s hard. And as usual I have zero regrets about any of this. I gained a pound, which is certainly impressive it was not more. Victory.

The funny thing is that I joined WW a month ago after inspiring myself in this post. And I have done nothing but fail the program since joining. Hahahaha!  I somehow manage to maintain every time I fail WW, so it’s not a total loss.

I’m not throwing in the towel yet because I still have 8 weeks left, but I know I need some extra help to succeed this time. I recruited a friend to join the program, and she wants to sign up for actual meetings for the accountability. Being the glutton for punishment I am, I am going to join her. Mainly because envisioning me in this setting is cracking me up, and I know that if I can actually get myself to do the program, I will lose weight.

Maybe it will help control this wild beast of an animal inside me, any way, I’ll never know until I try! Until next time, because there will always be a next time, I’m off to try and lose those last 25 pounds.

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