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Weight Watchers vs Noom: Day 3

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Day 3 fell on a Sunday, and we go to church. If you go to a church that offers free donuts, like mine, the sooner you can get into the habit of not eating them, the better. I settle for black coffee, and if I want a sweet, I use French Vanilla creamer. I never arrive to church hungry.

It was also a long run day. Long run days make me pretty nervous leading up to them. I know that whatever I eat will sitting in my stomach for two hours while I complete the run, so making healthy choices before a long run is easy. Making healthy choices after a 12 mile run is a different story…

Where things went wrong…

After I returned from the run, I was shivering. I could not warm up, even in the shower. I went straight from the shower into bed. My stomach was full of nothing but water, and I started to feel sick. When I feel like this, I just start rattling off any food that sounds good.

I had one starburst, a giant Gatorade, a piece of pizza, and a baked potato. My husband brought all these items to me, and I ate them while laying in bed. I’m telling you, these long runs will break you.

Related Posts: WW vs Noom: The Verdict Is In

Anyway, what you see in the food chart below is what happens when you are completely broken from a 12 mile run. It has nothing to do with hating a diet or binge-eating or lack of self-control. Oh, and I ate candy with the kids because if I can’t have a candy party with my kids after a 12 mile run, then when can I?

Related Posts: Weight Watchers vs Noom: Day 1

My Stats

I am 34 years old and a stay at home mom to three kids aged 8, 5, and 3. Currently, I am training for a half marathon on December 28, so I run around 22 miles/week. I also lift weights 3-4 days a week and bike 2 days a week. (I work out a ton and am still overweight. Nutrition, nutrition, nutrition! That’s the hard part for me.)

Height: 5’6″

Weight 11/24/19: 162.4 lbs

WW statistics: Allotment: 16 daily points and 35 weeklies (for anyone who might have forgotten, these are extra points that can be used anytime during the week.)
Today I earned 35 fitness points for doing exercise.

Noom statistics: Allotment: (You can choose if you want to lose weight fast or slow, I chose fast. haha!) 1200 daily calories , 1400 calories earned from a 12 mile run.

Related Posts: Weight Watchers vs. Noom: Day 2


WW end of day statistics: 0 daily points left, consumed all 35 of my fitness points, ended the day at -19 points for the week.

Noom end of day statistics: all calories consumed + 1000 out of the 1400 calories I earned from running 12 miles. I ended the day with 400 available calories that I chose not to eat.


Differences in tracking

You can see in the chart above how WW penalizes high sugar foods. However, with Noom, I’m still within my calorie allotment. My total calories were not that bad since I went on such a long run. Yet, I am sitting 19 points in the hole with WW because I chose not to eat whole foods.

This deficit can have one of two effects. I can get very discouraged as I get more and more in the hole and quit. Or I can wake up with resolve to eat smart the next day to get out of the hole. I am going with the latter approach.

It’s important to know what you can handle mentally. I can handle working hard. It’s a challenge to get out of the hole, and I enjoy the challenge. WW will push me to eat smarter tomorrow by choosing more zero-point foods.

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In contrast, the color system with Noom is not having much of an effect on me. It will challenge me to eat more moderately today, but the drive to eat better is not as intense to me with Noom as it is with WW. WW really forces you to change your habits. With Noom, I see I’ve not made smart choices, but I don’t really care that much because there is no penalty.

WW Fitpoints Vs Noom Calories Burned

Another thing I noticed is that on WW, I eat all of my fit points (extra points I earn from exercising) with no second-thoughts. With Noom, I try not to eat all the calories I burn from exercising because I don’t trust its accuracy I don’t trust it because our bodies gets used to intense exercise, and then they become more efficient. That means it’s going to burn as little calories as possible to complete the task.

Finally, I’m going to try to eat mostly zero point foods tomorrow and see where I land with points versus calories.

I hope you guys are finding this as interesting as me! That’s all for now!

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