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12 Week Self-Imposed Vegan Challenge: Week 2 Day 1

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Official Vegan slogan today: “Veganism: what you’ve cooked sounds good until your friend reveals she is eating Parmesan crusted chicken with creamy saucy noodles for dinner…then it sounds like you actually ate broken dreams.” These slogans are created from my real life experiences. I was raving about my dinner to Andi, and she casually mentioned her dinner. Then I felt sad. It was soul crushing, just like veganism.

It’s just such a hard transition, and I’ve basically been at it since May.

It’s just hard to completely commit to it for several reasons:

1. It’s like being an enemy of the state when you reveal you aren’t eating animal products. It sure makes people angry, and they feel like you are so stupid being Vegan.

2. Everyone automatically worries about my nutrients. Where were these people when I was sustaining my plump figure with a steady stream of cream, butter, sugar, pizza, and fast food? Why was no one worried about my nutrients then?

3. I’m doing this because I’m not sold on the science. I have to see it to believe it. So that’s hard to keep doing it, when you aren’t 100% sure this is the right choice.

4. The body has a had time transitioning to new diet, any major dietary shift. I’m in that period where I just feel off and mostly horrible. I don’t feel hungry, but I’m not full and not wanting to eat, but eating a lot. It’s just all around a weird and depressing.

On a less depressing note, I lost 1.8 pounds this week doing WW on a whole-food plant based diet! See? It was a healthy rate to lose weight, I wasn’t starving, I ate when I was hungry, and I even chilled over the weekend without tracking to eat instinctively. My instincts work better after 5 strict days of WW because I have been measuring and can accurately eyeball a portion. That’s how I can pull off a break over the weekend. Do you see why I love WW? It works and it always has for me, no matter what foods I am eating. I’m at my new all-time low: 160.8!

Related Posts: Whole-food plant based WW

Anyway, here are my thoughts for the day:

(I really need to take a look in a mirror before doing these videos. haha.)


Here is what I ate today:

New WW week: 35 weeklies, 23 daily

Remember the not being hungry or full part from above? Well keep that in mind when you read my weird food log.

Breakfast: (22 points, all of my points for the day but 1. ha!)

2 pieces of sprouted bread (4 points)
2 Tbsp Nuttzo butter (6 points)
touch of honey (0 points)
24 ounces Califia Iced Mocha with almond milk (12 points)

Morning Snack: (8 points)

Banana Muffin: Substitute the butter for avocado oil, and the egg for a flax egg (8 points – I just put the calories from the recipe into the quick tracker despite these subs. I get tired of transferring recipes.)

Lunch: (13 points)

1 cup cooked white potatoes: (4 pts) cooked in 1 tsp olive oil (1 pt) with 2 tbsp ketchup (2 pts) 1/2 serving of vegetarian shepherd’s pie (3 pts). Then I had a moment where a kid had a whole bowl of chicken leftover, and I ate 1/3 or a bowl (4 points) thinking I was just breaking the whole-food part. When in reality, I am now realizing the chicken powder wasn’t vegan. Either way, it was a bad choice that I didn’t finish eating. So good for me on stopping that moment of weakness.

Afternoon Snack: (8 points)

12 oz Califia Mocha Iced Coffee (8 points), apple slices and carrots (0 points)

Dinner: (12 points)

3/4 Serving Garlic & Ginger Broccoli, Chickpea Stir-fry (2 pts), 1/3 cup cooked rice (2 pts) and 1 Banana Muffin (8 pts)

Thoughts on the day:

Nutrient wise, I didn’t do a great job getting a wide variety of vegetables into my diet, though I did get some. I had way too much of that pre-made coffee drink, but I needed something like that today. It is what it is, tomorrow I’ll try to do better.

It was a big point day, but it always is over here. I exercise a lot and I am hungry! It doesn’t even phase me anymore, and if you look over last week, it works for me.

Here is my exercise log for the day:

Walking 10 min: 1 pt
Steps 7000: 5 pts
Weight LIfting 10 minutes: 3 pts
Stationary Bicycling (low intensity) 20 min: 2 pts
Stationary Bicycling (medium intensity) 30 min: 7 pts
Total Fitpoints Earned: 27

Going into tomorrow I have 25 weeklies left and 0 fit points.

I will start the morning out with a 7-8 mile run so I know I will have plenty of points. Hope tomorrow feels better than today. Today I’m just not feeling it.

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