
The 7 Stages of Dieting

The 7 Stages of Dieting

I’ve learned dieting is a lot like grief. Not only does it cause grief, but there are several stages of dieting you need to experience and work through before you can overcome and accept it. Looking back over the last 10 years of my life, I can clearly see each stage I endured as I progressed through the complex process of weight loss.

12 Week Self-Imposed Vegan Challenge:  Week 2 Day 1
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12 Week Self-Imposed Vegan Challenge: Week 2 Day 1

On a less depressing note, I lost 1.8 pounds this week doing WW on a whole-food plant based diet! See? It was a healthy rate to lose weight, I wasn’t starving, I ate when I was hungry, and I even chilled over the weekend without tracking to eat instinctively. My instincts work better after 5 strict days of WW because I have been measuring and can accurately eyeball a portion.

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Weight Watchers Is Not a Diet

Losing weight is such a mental game. According to Brain Powered Weight Loss, one of the problems people have with succeeding on a diet is black and white thinking. WW helps me break that thinking pattern by seeing how the food I eat day to day all works together towards weight loss and proper nutrition. I can see and understand how one bad meal or day isn’t going to ruin my week.