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Weight Watchers vs Noom: Day 6

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It’s been a minute since I posted one of these. I truly meant them to be consecutive, but Thanksgiving derailed me. There’s no way I’m alone on this, so I’m sure you understand.

I will for sure be comparing Noom and Weight Watchers until December 20. After that, I’ll take a break from comparisons and only do Noom until the New Year. The reason for this is because I was able to get Noom cheaper than WW, and if I am going to compare the two, I need to give Noom my all. I need to see how this program works on it’s own. We’ll see how long I go without my beloved WW, we’ll see.

Related Posts: WW vs Noom: The Verdict Is In

Today started off well, and calorie wise it ended well, but an unplanned trip to my mom’s ruined my WW points. It happens, it’s life, what can you do besides go forward? Plus, I’m running 10 miles tomorrow, so getting out of the WW hole is easy.

Related Posts: WW vs Noom: Day 1

Reminder on my stats:

I am 34 years old and a stay at home mom to three kids aged 8, 5, and 3. Currently, I am training for a half marathon on December 28, so I run around 22 miles/week. I also lift weights 3-4 days a week and bike 2 days a week. (I work out a ton and am still overweight. Nutrition, nutrition, nutrition! That’s the hard part for me.)

Height: 5’6″

Weight: 12/6/19: 161 lbs

WW statistics: Purple Plan Point Allotment: 16 daily points and 35 weeklies (for anyone who might have forgotten, these are extra points that can be used anytime during the week.)
Today I earned 9 fitness points for doing exercise.

Noom statistics: Allotment: (You can choose if you want to lose weight fast or slow, I chose fast haha!) 1200 daily calories , 145 calories earned from a 2.5 mile run.(Noom allows you to eat only half of your fitness calories so the run was 290 calories burned divided by 2) And 102 calories earned from an hour walk.


The calories are colored green, red, or yellow depending on how Noom has coded them. The points are all purple because I am on the WW purple plan.


WW end of day statistics: 0 daily points left, -19 weeklies left. consumed all 9 of my fitness points

Noom end of day statistics: all calories consumed + all exercise calories consumed + 207 calories over.


I was not enjoying Noom today because I had to track eggs, cherry tomatoes, spinach, chicken breasts, and a banana (all items I do not have to track on WW purple plan). You wouldn’t think having to track five extra things would be that bad, but it is! My pita was perfectly toasted and warm, and it took time to measure all the components of my wrap. By the time it came to eat it…it was cold. That was sad.

Noom saved my emotions surrounding food, yet again, by showing me that though I was 17 points in the hole, I was still fine with calories. This is the one aspect that has been surprisingly pleasant for me.

Today I discovered that chicken breasts were considered a yellow food. Interesting…I wonder why?

Finally, I have been avoiding the scale since Saturday when I went haywire with my eating. On that morning I was 160. I ate like a maniac for 4 days and then the next 2 days after that weren’t great…so I was sure I’d be 165. When I stepped on the scale I was SHOCKED to be 161. Suddenly all my drive came back to me, and it was easy to be on track today. The scale can be a powerfully positive tool for weight loss.


What a joy it was to not log the eggs, chicken, banana, spinach, and cherry tomatoes with WW!

I’m learning that I MUST be smarter with my food on the purple plan in order to succeed – there must be a solid plan in place. It has been much harder than I predicted to have a perfect 16 point day. If I weren’t on a bit of a break from whole-food plant-based eating, it would be MUCH easier.

There is a learning curve for sure with the purple plan. I really would like to have one perfect week with it before I take a WW break. WW breaks are a normal occurrence for me, it’s how we function best together.

One concern I have with Weight Watchers with and how much I exercise, is if I am eating enough. I mean, obviously not lately (hahahaha!), but it will be very interesting to see if a perfect WW week is also a perfect calorie week. Surely I can pull off one week!!!


I had to start again today with these logs or they would have never happened again! Monday will be the start of a new WW week, and at that point I’ll be shooting for a perfect WW week (once again and always).

Please keep in mind that I’m a semi-self controlled foodie who is trying to succeed at TWO diets during the throes of holiday season. Cut me some slack and use grace! I’m only human. Welp, that’s all until tomorrow, friends!


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