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12 Week Self-Imposed Vegan Challenge: Week 1 Day 7

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People, I have arrived. While it may seem like the week flew by to you, it was a long one for me. And I did so good! It wasn’t a perfect week with WW or Whole-Food plant based or Vegan…but if I was going to give it a grade, I’d give my week a 95%. I’m like an over achiever over here!

I’m so excited to have a full week behind me. I am starting to feel how someone who is eating a steady stream of vegetables should feel: better. My shoulder and hip still hurt, but I continue to push myself physically so maybe it won’t be helped by a diet change. Then again, maybe it will. That’s what I’m trying to figure out, after all.

One thing happened last night, I slept better than I have slept in months. It was such a deep and restful sleep. I literally woke up thankful because that kind of rest is rare in adulthood. Was it the vegan diet…maybe…but I did eat a bit of lard yesterday. However, my friend who convinced me to go plant based in the first place told me the diet would still yield results if I wasn’t 100% perfect. So there’s that.

Here are my thoughts for the day:


Here is what I ate:

I didn’t want to log with WW again today to give myself a full mental break. Plus I knew I’d be eating the leftovers from the Mexican Restaurant, and I didn’t feel like guesstimating the points.


3 cups of Honey Nut Cheerios with 1 cup almond milk.


1 cup leftover Mexican rice, 1/2 cup leftover refried beans, and 1/4 cup leftover guacamole.

Afternoon Snack:

Green Smoothie with mango, banana, strawberries, and spinach


1/3 cup cashews and 2 graham crackers….I know these aren’t nourishing choices, but I just finished a hard run and it was all that sounded good. In less than 9 hours I will be back at the gym, eating something is better than nothing.

Related Posts: Whole-Food Plant Based WW

Thoughts on the week:

I’m really glad that I ended up taking a break from logging this weekend. Despite the break, I still managed to eat a good amount of vegetables and have balanced meals (mostly). This is what we call growth. I can’t believe I’m starting to find consistency in my eating, and that my meals are centered around vegetables and plants. This week was good. Next week might be a different story, but today I am proud of myself!

Tomorrow starts a new WW week and a weigh day. I’ll let you know the results. My weight has been hanging out at 162.5. Anything less than that, or even the same, and I’ll be happy! The body takes a while to adjust to new eating habits. If you’d like to start making healthy changes in your life, and want to give WW a go, I’d be thrilled to have more people with me on this journey!


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