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WW 10 Week Update

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It has now been 10 weeks since I joined WW. I initially signed up for a three month plan in hopes that I would lose my holiday weight (like Christmas holiday weight…yes, I’m aware it is July) and hopefully some more. However, I was also aware that often times my weight loss plans don’t quite line up with my reality.

Weight loss is a crazy thing. We all want to lose weight, yet despite our efforts, it can be an insurmountable task. This year has been a big struggle in the weight loss department for me, so I get it. At least I have managed to maintain my weight mostly, which is a victory!

So where am I now, 4 weeks after my 6 week update? 

I have FINALLY made progress!!!!!

And steady progress at that! In the last 4 weeks, I have lost a total of 7.7 pounds! I am relieved and officially 1.2 pounds away from my lowest weight (169.6) post baby number 3. I’m thrilled, encouraged, and excited!

It hasn’t been easy…

See, back at the end of my first 6 weeks when I had gained 3 pounds (instead of losing a bunch of weight), I could have grown frustrated and quit. I’ve been there before; stuck in a cycle of negative thoughts, convincing myself to stop trying. But there was something different this time happening in my head. Instead of moping about failure, I have used it as an opportunity to learn why I failed and how to prevent it.

What changed?

It’s all started with this book. 

When I sat down to write about my lack of progress, I used it as a time of reflection. I studied what had gone wrong, what some of my triggers for weight gain are, and I learned from it.

Of course I was frustrated, but I didn’t let frustration turn into despair. That is because Brain Powered Weight Loss showed me I wasn’t alone. I was stuck in a cycle of bad thinking, and through that book, I have gained awareness of my struggles.

The book includes a ton of worksheets to help you figure out your food problems, and it gives you strategies to deal with them. Upon completing many of the worksheets, I have come to understand a lot about my eating habits. I even found that it helped me to listen to the audio book while I grocery shopped to help keep me on track. If sitting down and reading a book isn’t an option for you, try downloading the audio version.

Another place I was able to pull a lot of information from was this book. The stories of change and the process that it takes to make changes have inspired me. Change in my own life started to feel less unattainable. I realized other people have broken their habits, and if they could do it, so could I. Bad eating habits are my biggest struggle, but I believe if I can do it, anybody reading this can do it.

Which lead to another book…

The Power of Habit is where I first heard the term self-efficacy. When I researched it further, I discovered this article. That was all I needed to figure out that I had been held back by my own limitations; I did not believe in myself.

This reality shocked me because I am a very confident person, one might say too confident! It is safe to say that I don’t have any self-esteem issues. The only reason I am so hell-bent to lose weight in the first place is to be more comfortable and run faster. Can someone so seemingly confident really be afraid of success? Yup.

Relate Posts: Weight Watchers is Not a Diet

I realized that when I get to a certain level of achievement in my life, I start to doubt my abilities. Being super successful isn’t something I am used to, so it makes sense that I would begin to think maybe that kind of success isn’t for me. You begin to think, “I am just an average person with an average life at an average weight”. It’s insane that these beliefs were rooted in me, and I honestly wasn’t aware of how damaging it has been to me reaching any of my goals.

Change takes time.

As you can see…I’ve been learning and processing a lot. It all started in May, and I am just now beginning to understand everything I’ve read and apply it.

Change can’t always happen overnight. I am living proof of that! However, all this information has me feeling completely empowered! This is the first time in my life that this weight loss doesn’t feel fragile. I’m no longer afraid that a bad weekend will cause me to gain 5 pounds and that it will take me 6 months to get off. It’s simply not true anymore.

Every day my brain gets stronger, and I can finally feel my goals are close at hand. I am coming for them. You know me, I know me. It’s possible that I might have a set-back. I’m not afraid to live that in front of you, and then come back fighting. It’s who I am, and if my life lived honestly helps you, that’s amazing. That’s what I’m in this for. 

Related Posts: 4 Reasons Why WW is the Best Weight Loss Program

If you are ready to make a change and eat healthy, now would be a good time for you to join WW. You might need to work on the mental part of weight loss first. If so, find a way to maintain your weight (WW is good for that too), and take the time to read or listen to these books.

I believe that if you don’t fix your relationship with food, any weight loss you have with any program cannot be permanent. One thing I am certain of is that you are on this page because you are curious to see if WW works or if it could work for you.

Why not just try?

What do you have to lose? 36 dollars for 3 months? Why not just try it? It could turn into the best 36 dollars you ever invested. After my first baby, I lost 40 pounds so it was definitely the best investment I could have made. I also had a friend who invested in the program herself which resulted in an 80 pound weight loss in just one year!

You can do this! Even if you try and fail, you must never, ever give up. If you have any more questions, drop them in the comments. I believe lasting weight loss success is out there, and it is waiting for you! Start somewhere and start today.

Weight Watchers(R)

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